Tuesday, May 15, 2007

“This tendency to abstraction may be irreversible, because education today is only concerned with the conscious. The teacher delivers his knowledge the same way a waiter brings a drink to a customer. He has to feed pupils with the official programme. The thing that matters is the programme, not the teacher.” Itsuo Tsuda

“I thought the purpose of education was to learn to think for yourself.” John Keating (Robin Williams) in Dead Poets Society

“In the space age the most important space is between the ears.” Thomas J. Barlow

“Genius is the ability to put into effect what is in your mind.” P. Scott Fitzgerald

We humans have come a very long from the days we used to swing around trees, barking or howling against competitors and for mates. We’ve created ethics, we’ve invented arts and sciences to reflect our awe and curiosity at the world, we’ve overcome standing on the razors edge of survival and spread all over the world building great cities with great cultures. Yes, we’ve come a long way... or have we?

Well yes, we have come a long way, it’s true but at the same time we’ve got a long way to go. Each human is made of the same stuff, mostly, we’ve all come from the same evolutionary tree so we have, or should have, the same potential for genius. I’m not just talking about intellectual, university type of genius but also emotional, spiritual, physical etc.

But when you walk down a town or cities street is it full on creative geniuses? No, it seems people have forgotten something vital to human life. People seem to have ditched in human quality for human quantity, people are more human doings rather than human beings. We´ve built something and then lots of humans started thinking “that’s it.” I beg to differ, we’re still in the developing process and always will be as evolution never stays still.

We have a great piece of biological technology encased in our skulls which the average person only uses 10% of and “geniuses” use up to around 20%, not because they’re born with a “special” gift but because they nurtured something that is in the human mind already. Look at it this way (analogy time), the brain is a type of dragon which can roar, breathe fire and fly but all it gets taught to do is maybe breathe a little smoke and then spends the rest of its life in some life-sucking beauracracy career where it acts as little more than a paper-weight or door-stop! Do you see my point?

The education system doesn’t let anyone nuture the “inner-dragon” of genius and if it does, it’s often by accident. Instead it feeds the brain with information that it only has to passively accept, without any great effort on its part. It’s a bit like todays dominant form of pleasure the tv, a lot of programmes you just have to sit and watch with no thought. All furniture in the house is no doubt facing the tv, where once upon a time social activity was based around the hearth.

When you’re sitting around a fire, you can’t just passively sit there hoping to get entertained, you have to entertain yourself and others. Around fires people get bored with nothing so they start talking, then singing and playing games and even inventing new things to play, sing and talk about. When I sit by a fire with others I can imagine why the fire of the gods is equated with intelligence because its here where we have room to sit and think and become “divinely inspired” by our thoughts.

Education in most schools consists of giving information to students as though students are just computers to be programmed. They’re given a lot of information but not the skills to be able to use that knowledge. Often people leave the education system not knowing what to do with life so instead go for the easy option to just earn money and not much else. But us humans can be quite spectacular if we can really experience our own potential.

One friend of mine who was trained in a Native American tradition told me that a rare but possible totem was the human totem. A person with a human totem is someone that embodies problem solving. The trait that all humans have to one degree or another is the ability to solve problems. Where most animals see things and reacte automatically, human can make a space inside their minds to imagine something in many different ways to see if there’s any new way of seeing it. But this isn’t something that can be taught passively, but one that each person has to develop for themselves or to “think for ourselves” as one of our quotes say.

One thing is that intellect is severely undermined. It’s usually seen as something that retains information and explains things in a dry, rational way. But to me it is more creative than that, it is not just about knowing and explaining, it also produces abstract thinking and problem solving. To me creative intellect is something that takes experience and knowledge into the imagination to use them in new and innovative ways.

One animal that also has such a trait, to what extent noone knows exactly, is the dolphin. There was a series of experiment where a dolphin had to come up with new and creative behaviour which of course they couldn’t know except by the clue of rewards. In the end their behaviours became so complex that the scientists couldn’t even keep track of it.

But this isn’t about the intelligence of other animals, this is about human intelligence. We’ve become a very innovative species, our whole world and its landscapes have been transformed because we have created so many different ways of living. Of course some of these are having adverse affects with things like global warming, deforestation and the destruction of habitats.

I don’t believe human intelligence did this, human intelligence is more intelligent than that. Our technologies and cultures were created by intelligent people; geniuses, revolutionaries and visionaries but they are maintained by people who haven’t developed the mental tools to cope with our modern abilities and opportunities, our ethics don’t always match our sciences.

The future of humanity lies in the new generations. The concept of a better humanity is not something far off but one that lies with the new generations, if we let it and our best means of doing that is through education. Instead of “restaurant schools”, as Tsuda might have said, we should find alternative ways of education, it doesn’t have to be a posh school, maybe home-schooling. We need new education that gives the students the initiative to become self-learned and self-directed individuals, where people can learn to direct their own lives and know where they’re going instead of relying on societies and governments that themselves don’t have a common purpose.

I want to see a better world, with better people, deeper people. I want people using the potential that lies within them. So first I’m going to work on myself, learning to be self-directed and interested in my life and its potential. Then I’ll find what opportunities I can to pass my experience onto other people. And then... well the skys the limits I guess ;)

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