Sunday, June 03, 2007

“Human beings were created to contemplate and reflect the universe. They are not themselves this great perfection, but are particles of perfection.” Gicero

“God is your mirror in which you contemplate yourself and you are His mirror in which He contemplates His divine attributes.” Ibn Arabi

“Through us, Gaia has seen herself from space, and begins to know her place in the universe.” James Lovelock

I thought I’d be explaining this concept but this time it’s come to me through a poem;

The Mind of Gaia

Gaia could see,
She could hear,
And smell, taste and touch
The creation of Herself.

Gaia created and created,
But none of Her creation She knew,
For She had no mind
With which to know Herself
Or the creation of Herself.

But then Gaia awoke,
As from sleep.
Her mind was born,
One like a shining mirror
For Her to reflect on Herself
And know Herself.

This mind wondered at the mystery it saw.
It created arts to express it wonder,
Sciences to explain its wonder
And religions to experience its wonder.

This mind called itself humanity,
For we humans are the infant mind of Gaia,
Still developing and evolving,
Still learning what it is
To be the mind of Gaia,
Still struggling to find a balance
With the power of this gift.

Great Gaia,
Through my mind know yourself,
Your wonder and mystery,
As it unfolds.
And also teach me to live with you
Not merely in you,
To know and respect
That I am a part of you
So that we may evolve together,
In harmony.

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